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Getting Involved

Getting Involved2021-03-22T15:13:03-04:00

All new and returning Indigenous students are encouraged to reach out and get involved in the Indigenous community at the University of Toronto.

St. George


  • First Nations House Indigenous Community Resource gives students an overview of events, resources and community engagement opportunities around campus and beyond.
  • The Indigenous Students’ Association (ISA) has an office and a lounge at First Nations House where students can relax, work on assignments, enjoy a cup of coffee, and develop new friendships. The ISA also organizes regular meetings, social gatherings and events throughout the year.
  • The Indigenous Studies Students’ Union (ISSU) provides a welcoming and inclusive space for students taking Indigenous Studies courses from all backgrounds, disciplines, and interests to come together and engage with Indigenous cultures and knowledges.
  • Ciimaan/Kahuwe’yá/Qajaq is a language initiative that supports the study and everyday use of Indigenous languages.
  • The Indigenous Education Network (IEN) is based out of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). It is comprised of students, faculty and community members who share a common commitment to Indigenous education and research.
  • Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) is a graduate, student-led group operating out of the Centre for Indigenous Studies. SAGE plans workshops, presentations, meetings and other events that focus on promoting the academic and personal development of Indigenous graduate students.
  • The Indigenous Law Students Association (ILSA) provides a social support network for Indigenous Students at the Faculty of Law, creates opportunities for students interested in practicing in the area of Indigenous and Aboriginal Law, advocates for the inclusion of Indigenous laws in the curriculum, programming and in resources at the Bora Laskin Library and raises awareness of legal issues that impact Indigenous people at the Faculty of Law and in the broader legal community.

student group meeting together in turtle lounge at Centre for Indigenous studies

Students in front of U of T campus



  • The Indigenous Centre at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites students, faculty and staff to learn about Indigenous culture (stories, philosophies, and ceremonies).
  • The Waawaahte Northern Lights Initiative provides opportunities for students to engage with various traditional Indigenous cultures providing a space for transformational learning and growth to take place while building strong partnerships and an appreciation for the knowledge of Canada’s Indigenous peoples.



  • Elders and Knowledge Keepers who hold office hours.
  • The Indigenous Experiential Journey Trip is an opportunity for students to connect with an Indigenous community on traditional teaching land and experience direct, meaningful opportunities for cultural exchange and dialogue with First Nations peoples.
  • The Indigenous Outreach Program lets students connect with the Indigenous community on traditional land. Students engage in meaningful opportunities of cultural exchange and dialogue with Indigenous peoples.

University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)

Students walking in front of school building

Higher Ed

Indigenous Community

  • Infinite Reach Métis Student Solidarity Network is a community of Métis learners across Ontario universities and colleges. The network provides Métis students with the support of the Métis community in order to inspire them to achieve their full potential.
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