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FNH Presents: Paint Night with Teddy Syrette

Online Event

First Nations House Indigenous Student Services Presents: Paint Night with Teddy Syrette Teddy Syrette (Ozhawa Anung/Yellow Star, They/Them) is a 2-Spirit Anishinabe person, from Baa-waa-ting/Batchewana First Nation. They grew up in Rankin Reserve. O-zha-wa A-nung graduated from Sault College with a diploma in Social Service Work - Indigenous Specialization [...]

Run Woman Run: Community Film Screening

Innis College 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Any questions and inquires can be directed to:


Reconciliation Walking the Path of Indigenous Allyship

Virtual Learning - Remote Learning

U of T Indigenous TrainingThis is a virtual session. Instructions will be provided closer to the day of class.What does it mean to be an ally to Indigenous peoples? And is it even possible to call yourself an ally or is more correct to say that one can only aspire [...]

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