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FNH Presents: Paint Night with Teddy Syrette

Online Event

First Nations House Indigenous Student Services Presents: Paint Night with Teddy Syrette Teddy Syrette (Ozhawa Anung/Yellow Star, They/Them) is a 2-Spirit Anishinabe person, from Baa-waa-ting/Batchewana First Nation. They grew up in Rankin Reserve. O-zha-wa A-nung graduated from Sault College with a diploma in Social Service Work - Indigenous Specialization [...]

Run Woman Run: Community Film Screening

Innis College 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Any questions and inquires can be directed to:


Indigenous Student Orientation

First Nations House

First Nations House organizes an orientation session and open house for new students at the beginning of each academic year. We invite you come and learn about the supports that we offer. Meet new people, enjoy a cup of coffee and find out how you can get involved in the [...]

Talk: A Celebration of Spirit with Richard Van Camp (In-person & Virtual)

Teaching Lodge, Earth Sciences Courtyard & Virtually via Zoom

Please join us for this good visiting keynote with Tlicho author and storyteller Richard Van Camp who will share the interviews he's conducted with Indigenous Elders who have passed into Spirit and have returned sharing their recollections and what they learned in the Spirit World. Richard will also share [...]

Listening Party with Mayan Elder Bartolo on Indigenous Waves (In-person & Radio)

Map Room Studio at Hart House

Join Jenny Blackbird and Jennifer Sylvester on Indigenous Waves 89.5 CIUT with Mayan Elder Bartolo at the Map Room Studio at Hart House. Indigenous Waves is a celebration of Indigenous cultures; locally, nationally and globally. Through music, storytelling, interviews, panel discussions, art, and humour we explore the diversity of Indigenous Peoples. Jenny [...]

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